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Everybody has come across barcodes in their lives. It is a record of numbers, letters and special characters that are encoded with alternating black and white vertical lines. Their structure and structure is determined according to the accepted norms and principles of building a given code.

Czytniki kodów kreskowych mają za zadanie odczytanie, rozkodowanie oraz przesłanie informacji zawartych w kodzie na urządzenie docelowe. Czynność ta odbywa się za pomocą wiązki światła w postaci diody laserowej lub diody LED, która pochłania kolor czarny i odbija się od białej powierzchni kodu tworząc sygnały elektryczne.

The fashion for small devices recording images while driving came to Poland about 10 years ago from across the eastern border. During this time, various models have appeared on the market - from the cheapest models available in hypermarkets for less than 10 EUR, to advanced devices with prices in the thousands. Such a wide selection means that a large number of drivers reach for these devices, while a very large number of them install them incorrectly.

Scanning modules are compact equipment designed to scan one-dimensional or two-dimensional codes, depending on the selected model, designed for permanent installation. They are characterized by a small shape that saves working space and made of high-quality materials that ensure durability and resistance to difficult working conditions. The scanning system, made with attention to detail, allows for quick and automatic code reading, which improves the convenience of use and increases work efficiency due to the maintenance-free operation of this type of devices.

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