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What do the IP protection grades mean

When looking for scanning equipment for everyday use in the company, we pay attention not only to its technical parameters, allowing to increase efficiency and comfort of use. We also care about the safety of the selected device, its strength and resistance to mechanical damage and the penetration of substances inside. For this, a special classification is used.

is a special classification that determines the level of resistance to dust and water. The prefix IP and two digits are used to indicate the tightness class, informing the user about the degree of protection against the ingress of dust, dirt, water and other liquids.

The first digit after the IP prefix specifies protection against the ingress of solid objects, mainly dust or dirt, and is presented on a scale from 0 to 6. The second digit after the IP specifies the level of waterproofing and informs the user about degree of protection against ingress of liquids on a scale from 0 to 9. The rule is that the higher the IP number, the more effective the protection of the equipment.

The first digit - solids

The table below shows the level of protection against the ingress of solid objects (dust, dirt, etc.)

The first digit after the IP code Description
0 without protection
1 protection against foreign objects with a diameter of at least 50 mm
protection against penetration of foreign objects into the device with a diameter of at least 12.5 mm
3 protection against penetration of foreign objects into the device with a diameter of at least 2.5 mm
protection against solid foreign objects with a diameter of at least 1 mm
protection against dust
6 dustproof protection

The second figure - waterproof

The table below shows the degree of protection against the ingress of liquids.

The second digit after the IP code Description
0 no protection
1 protection against falling water drops
2 Protection against vertically falling drops of water when the housing is tilted up to 15 °
3 Protection against splashing water
protection against splashing water from any direction
5 Protection against water jets
6 Protection against strong water jets
7 Protection against the effects of short-term immersion in water

Protection against the effects of continuous immersion in water


Protection against flooding with strong water jets under pressure (80-100 bar and at a temperature of + 80 ° C) 

 Our store offers readers with various degrees of protection, which can work in various conditions. For example, a model HD10 with protection degree IP54 or solid HD-SL99 characterized by a degree of protection at the IP65 level and many others, among which you will surely find the right device for your business profile and conditions. 

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