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Reading codes from a disabled person's ID

2D barcode and multidimensional readers find their application not only in shops, warehouses or companies dealing with packaging and production of goods. They are also used within all kinds of institutions, offices and social institutions. It is connected with the fact that such readers must be able to operate in all conditions and with all types of documents.

For example, in Poland, a new model ID card for a disabled person has been in force since August 2017. In addition to the systems securing the card against counterfeiting, the most important change that has been introduced is the QR code, which facilitates the reading of data into a computer program. It contains the following data:

  • PESEL number,
  • ID number,
  • data on the degree of disability (optional),
  • the symbol (s) of the cause of the disability (optional).

This code is the standard and worldwide QR mark of version 10, which means 57 × 57 modules. It also has an H-level error correction mechanism, which means that 30% of corrupted data can be recovered.

This code, despite its small size and high density of the code, is readable by most of the 2D multidimensional code scanners available on the market. Below is a list of readers especially recommended for reading this type of code:

a) wired readers:

  • HD610A
  • HD620A
  • HD-SL36A
  • HD-S92

b) wireless readers:

  • HD-SL96
  • HD-SL99
  • HD7800

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