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Code reader for the warehouse program

Every day we receive inquiries from our clients regarding barcode readers. Among them, a significant percentage are questions whether a given model will work with a specific warehouse program or accounting program. The answer is simple and affirmative - the barcode reader works like a keyboard by default, so it will work with the program installed on your computer without any problems.

The barcode scanner is based on standard Plug & Play drivers, so you just need to click on any text field in the program, scan the code and it will appear in the selected window. Additionally, the barcode reader can insert ENTER after the code read or any other character before or after it that appears in the ASCII table. Thanks to this, it is possible to program a function that will maximally improve the efficiency of work with the device.

Among the most popular accounting and warehouse software, we can distinguish:

  • Weaver WMS
  • Subiekt GT
  • WF-MAG
  • Comarch Optima
  • SAGE Symphony
  • Ergo Software
  • and many others

Readers offered by HDWR will work with all the programs listed here. For some programs, it is required that the reader be able to program any character before or after the code to be read, which facilitates the work with the program. Before making a purchase, it is worth contacting the publisher of the program to determine if its program requires it. After obtaining such information, you can contact us and we will certainly help you choose the right product.

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