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Document shredders allow you to control documents both at home and in the office. They allow you to maintain the confidentiality of documents that could fall into the wrong hands. The DIN standard watches over how much information on shredded documents is protected against reconstruction.

The DIN standard was developed by the Standards Committee for Information Technology and Applications and defines the degree of confidentiality of documents processed by the shredder. The currently applicable DIN 66399 standard was introduced in 2012 and defines as many as seven levels of document security. These levels are described by the symbol P followed by the next digit. The higher it is, the more accurately paper documents are processed and more difficult to reproduce.

The P-4 standard, which is now a standard, already allows the processing of an A4 sheet of paper into a minimum of 400 small pieces, effectively protecting the information contained therein. By choosing a P-5 class shredder, an A4 sheet will already be processed into more than 2,000 small fragments.

In the future, our goal is to reach the largest possible group of foreign customers, offering products in other countries, not only in the Old Continent.

Which shredder should you choose in this respect? It depends on its purpose and personal preferences of the user. Shredders with safety classes up to P-3 are suitable for processing documents at home. Models with DIN P-4 and P-5 levels are the most optimal solution that will be sufficient in all kinds of commercial and service enterprises, libraries and other public institutions. The P-6 and P-7 class are dedicated to institutions and government organizations where hitting secret documents into the wrong hands could have particularly serious consequences.

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