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Prefix and suffix in HD43

In some of the readers in our offer it is possible to program any prefix and suffix. To set this up you will need the extended control code manual, which we provide by email. Model HD43 requires coding appropriate groups for selected characters to make everything work properly.

Below is the full configuration of the PREFIX "F11" and SUFFIX "F10" settings (the combination required in Baselinker):

To set the F11 prefix you need to:

1. Read the codes "Insert Character" --> "All barcode type" --> "Data group 1" --> "Before barcode" --> "A"

2. Read the code "138 F11"

3. Read the code "Save Settings"

From suffix F10 you should:

1. Read the codes "Insert Character" --> "All barcode type" --> "Data group 2" --> "After barcode" --> "E"

2. Read the code "137 F10"

3. Read the code "Save Settings"

Model HD43

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