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HDWR devices on foreign markets

HDWR products have been chosen by over 20,000 customers in Poland. Every day we serve over 100 customers not only by fulfilling orders, but also by providing professional assistance in choosing devices or their configuration. We do not limit ourselves only to the domestic market, but also gain recognition among foreign consumers.

For this reason, we are constantly developing our domains dedicated to recipients of specific European countries. Currently, our clients can take advantage of our stores built from scratch in English and German. These are currently the two most popular countries to which HDWR devices are exported, and our clients use our services regularly, gaining the status of regular customers.

We also do not forget about the markets that may seem unobvious - proof of this is the recently launched store dedicated to entrepreneurs in Romania. Currently, we are constantly opening up to new European regions, creating translations of our international store for the Italian and Lithuanian markets.

In the future, our goal is to reach the largest possible group of foreign customers, offering products in other countries, not only in the Old Continent.

It is worth noting that we still devote a lot of work to customers in Poland to provide the highest quality products and services, and we are constantly expanding our range. In our store you will find our latest products at attractive prices, and we encourage business customers to familiarize themselves with our dedicated B2B shopping platform.

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